Once upon a time, I knew nothing about photography. I figured the job of a camera was to capture what was in front of me, exactly as I saw it. Do you remember the days of film and that exciting moment you picked up your developed pictures, ready to relive your vacation memories? If you are anything like me, those pictures came with a few ounces of disappointment when the entire roll you had dedicated to fireworks contained nothing but blurry castles and squiggly lines in the sky. Fast forward to today: the age of digital , we immediately see our results. Each time I visit WDW I see guests all around me confused and disappointed that their pictures don't look like postcards. I've put together a few tips to help capture great fireworks shots on your next vacation! Step One: Location, location, location. If you have never seen Wishes at the Magic Kingdom before, I recommend you watch from Main Street near the bakery. From ...