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Showing posts from December, 2013

Guest post- A Magical Experience: Family of the Day

Kingdom Konsultant client Mandie and her family recently experienced some extra Pixie Dust at the Magic Kingdom- they were randomly selected as family of the day! Today, she shares with us her exciting experience, along with her appreciation for the magic that Cast Members help to create every day:      The number one thing I learned on my recent trip to Disney World is not what restaurant to book (O’hana), what snack is the best (Dole Whips, baby!) or what ride to avoid with a toddler if you want them to trust you for the rest of your trip (I’m looking straight at you, It's Tough to be a Bug).   It’s something that is far easier to remember, needs no reservations 180 days out, and requires only one word: “Hi”.                  Ok, I’ll be honest.   It doesn’t have to be “Hi” because “Hello”, “Hey There”, and if you’re feeling verbose, “How are you?” will also work.  ...