Kingdom Konsultant client Mandie and her family recently experienced some extra Pixie Dust at the Magic Kingdom- they were randomly selected as family of the day! Today, she shares with us her exciting experience, along with her appreciation for the magic that Cast Members help to create every day:
The number one thing I learned on
my recent trip to Disney World is not what restaurant to book (O’hana), what
snack is the best (Dole Whips, baby!) or what ride to avoid with a toddler if
you want them to trust you for the rest of your trip (I’m looking straight at
you, It's Tough to be a Bug). It’s something that is
far easier to remember, needs no reservations 180 days out, and requires only
one word: “Hi”.
Ok, I’ll be honest. It doesn’t have to be “Hi” because “Hello”, “Hey There”, and if you’re feeling verbose, “How are you?” will also work. You’re probably asking where this advice is leading so I’ll get to straight to the point. The most magical and memorable moments at Disney World are not something you plan for, something you schedule, or something you reserve, they are things that happen when you no longer see your time at Disney as getting from point A to point B, but take the time to appreciate what makes Disney World much more than the sum of all of its numerous attractions. I’m speaking more specifically to what makes the magic of Walt’s dream come to life every day, the Cast Members.
For those of us (and I used to be
one of them) that see Cast Members as faceless means to
some end, we’re really missing out on some fantastic experiences and some magical
moments. Most people don’t realize that
Cast Members have the ability to turn a standard trip into a truly memorable
and magical once-in-a-lifetime experience.

There was Roberto, the captain of the boat that took us back from 'Ohana to the Magic Kingdom. He invited us to sit up to the front and talked with my son about everything we passed and indulged his new Pirate obsession with lots of “Ahoys” and agreed when my son renamed it from it’s given name to “The Jolly Roger!”. There was Natalie, a new college program cast member from the East Coast that not only patrolled the Fastpass viewing area for the electrical parade, but also held hands with and walked my son across the street when he said he wanted to hand out glow sticks to the kids waiting over there. There was our waitress from a town 20 miles south of us who offered to bring us back down after Thanksgiving; the waitress at Teppen Edo who taught all of us the correct way to say Konnichiwa; and most importantly, the friendly red-headed woman at the front turnstile of the Magic Kingdom who introduced us to Tran.
Tran was a sharply dressed gentleman with a mischievous smile and the key to one of the coolest experiences I think we’ll ever have as a family. Tran was our guide when we were the Magic Kingdom’s Family of the Day.
The bus stop was empty at 7:15 am and
the bus driver greeted us with a booming “Good Morning!” as we climbed
aboard. Sitting up in the front on a
completely empty bus, the driver answered questions we had and when we arrived,
went out of his way to ask if we were collecting the transportation trading
cards. While we already had been
collecting for a few days and had the cards he offered, it was nice to have
someone offer instead of feeling like you were bothering someone by asking.
The sun hadn’t even broken the
horizon when we approached bag check.
Instead of having to wait in line, we had a great time talking with all
of the cast members working there. We
had a good laugh when one of them followed my lead, teasing my husband about
all of the hassle of the numerous pockets that made up his back pack.
We approached the turnstiles and
promptly sat down and started our granola bar breakfast. Our son, who has the natural curiosity and
socially-driven personality of your average “almost three” year old , had
developed a habit of saying “Good Morning!” and “So where are you from?” to
everyone he encountered. A habit, which
by the way, also included greeting his own parents when one of us returned from
a solo adventure to the restroom or as he woke up in the morning.
Sitting there with our breakfast,
we simply enjoyed the sights and sounds of a quiet (yet bustling) Magic
Kingdom, singing along with the music that played quietly in the background and
talking with cast members as they warmed up the new RFID turnstiles. Little known fact, although the Mickey Heads
most often glow green, white or blue, they actually have the ability to shine
in an entire rainbow of colors.
It was approximately 7:45 when a
familiar red-headed cast member approached us.
We had joked with her earlier when she realized that she actually had
opened up the wrong turnstile and had to repeat the process on the correct one. She asked us where we were from and if we
wanted to help with something special.
I’m going to pause here and tell
you the second most important word to know at Disney: “Yes”. “Sure”, “Of Course” and “Naturally” also
would work here, but the idea is the same.
If a cast member ever asks you if you want to do something special, go
on an adventure or to help them out, the answer is always “YES”. Trust me, other than missing your flight home,
there is very little that would make me tell a cast member “No thanks”.
We were then escorted to the bench
next to the Penny press machine and we waited.
While the wait seemed to take forever (the anticipation was awful!), we
spent our time greeting all of the families with pre-park opening reservations
and talking with the cast I believe his name was Michael and he was
really quite the character! If any of you have ever had a breakfast reservation
and the opportunity to see him in action, you know exactly what I’m talking
Tran approached us around 8:15 and
asked us if we were up for an adventure.
The mischievous glimmer in his eye and the loud ring of his laughter was
contagious. We answered “of course!” and
he led us into a nearly empty Main Street where we boarded the empty double
decker bus. He drove us down Main Street
and we stopped along the way to take pictures.
Tran made us feel like royalty,
making a big show out of unclasping the safety rope from the top of the Double
Decker bus and escorting us from place to place. We are one of the lucky few to have a picture
of us in front of Cinderella’s Castle without another soul in sight, a rare treasure
for sure.
Once we were done along Main
Street, he drove us back to the train station and introduced us to Scoop
Sanderson. While many millions of people
have witnessed Scoop’s antics from afar as he helps open the Kingdom in the
mornings, getting one-on-one time with him was something special. He led us upstairs and introduced us to the
Main Street citizens that would help us say “Good Morning! Good Morning!” to
everyone waiting anxiously below.
Before we knew it, the
familiar whistle blew and the train arrived with all of the familiar friends. We crossed the tracks and joined Scoop and
the gang to greet the rope drop crowd and to count down the opening to the
park. It was surreal, I held tight to
our small hand held camera in an attempt to capture the whole experience, but
my attention was everywhere else and the video is less than spectacular.
The fireworks signaled the
start of a truly magical day and before we knew it, we were down on Main Street
saying goodbye to Scoop and Tran. We
came away from our magical morning with a few stickers, a special main street
pin, a golden fast pass (good for any ride in the park!), and some awesome
memories. As we wrapped up our
amazingly magical moment, we met the PhotoPass photographer who had been
snapping away the whole time. Later, as I looked through them, I realized
that we had some amazing pictures of the whole event, including a wide angle
picture of all of us, Scoop Sanderson and Mickey as the fireworks shot off
behind us. Front and center, along the
bottom of the picture, is the all-too-familiar banner: “Let The Memories Begin”
a simple statement that all too often is pushed aside by the throngs of tired
and cranky families.
We didn’t get a chance to ride
every ride. We missed the three o’clock
parade. My son was even so tired he
slept through every single firework show (which actually, thanks to the trauma
of “It’s Tough to be a Bug”, was probably for the best for everyone). Now that I think back, we didn’t even get to
eat a Mickey Ice Cream Bar. But what we
did do, even if it meant missing those things I “planned on”, was worth all of
the Mickey Bars in the world. Don’t go
to Disney and try to force the magical moments, don’t go there and force the
memories to happen. Slow down, smell the
Turkey Legs, talk up the guests and cast members around you, investigate the
nooks and crannies, let out your inner child, pull the ropes and let the magic
come to you.
Amazing story! I love your advice to " Slow down, smell the Turkey Legs, talk up the guests and cast members around you, investigate the nooks and crannies, let out your inner child, pull the ropes and let the magic come to you." Couldn't have said it better myself! :) Thanks for sharing your story!