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Showing posts from January, 2014

Meme Monday

Anyone else?

Goofy's Candy Company- Create your own Treat

One of my biggest guilty pleasures on a Walt Disney World vacation is sweets. Everywhere you turn, there are delicious goodies calling your name, begging to be eaten. Luckily, a Disney vacation involves quite a bit of walking to balance things out, so you don’t have to feel too guilty indulging on a few extra treats!   We have a list of favorites that has grown throughout the years: Dole Whip (naturally), along with cupcakes, krispy treats, funnel cakes, ice cream… the list seems to get longer as the years go on. I had visited Goofy’s Candy Company at Downtown Disney many times in the past, but mostly just to browse, or to grab something prepackaged to bring home (and maybe use up a few extra snack credits at the end of our stay). I had heard fantastic things about the “Create Your Own Treat” offered at Goofy's, but as you can imagine, we never had much room for any more snacks.   On our most recent trip, my family finally found some time (and the appetite) ...