I’m not usually clumsy – heck, I’m a competitive ballroom dancer – but during a trip to Walt Disney World, I found myself in need of first aid due to an act of gracelessness. While boarding a Test Track vehicle, my toes caught the edge of the vehicle on the way in and I fell into the passenger area with an unceremonious ‘thud.’ My shin hit the grab bar between two seats, causing me to see stars. Someone was trying to climb in beside me, so I righted myself and tried to act like nothing had happened. At first, I walked it off, but within 20 minutes I had a baseball-sized hematoma on my right shin. The rapid swelling caused intense throbbing and pain, so after consulting my park map, I headed to First Aid. When I arrived I was asked to sign in and after a short wait, someone came out to examine my injury. After explaining what had happened, I was given a slushy pack (ice pack with water) and a net tube to slide over my foot to hold the pack in place. I was told to replac...