To check out the rest of the Disneyland Paris Series, check out these posts:
Disneyland Parc part 1
Disneyland Parc part 2
Disneyland Parc, like the US parks, offers a wealth of
entertainment. This varies somewhat year to year but you can count on a parade
and fireworks.
And what a nighttime show. Disney Dreams! is simply awesome.
se looking for a huge, full on fireworks show like Wishes won't get one. Dreams! is a full on multimedia experience with pyro and fireworks, fire, projections, lasers, smoke, music, lighting and fountains. Take the best parts of Wishes or Magical, World of Color and Fantasmic! and you get the idea. Add in a good vs evil storyline featuring Peter Pan and his shadow, Wendy and Captain Hook and both good and bad characters and you have an epic show. Peters shadow escapes and releases magic from the castle for a tour of Disney Movies old and new, until evil escapes too. The show really is stunning and very very popular. Best views are afforded from the hub with the ensuing crowds. Snagging a place on the rope line may be a little damp and may need an hours personal space reservation beforehand but is so worth it.
Starting in the entrance plaza, ticket booths stand either
side of the studio gate. Inside is an ornate area reminiscent of Hollywood
studio cottages in the 30s and 40s. Passing a feature fountain leads to Studio
1. This is the parks Main Street, though inside. Cleverly lit and decorated it
is part movie set part indoor street, with building facades clearly fake hiding
shopping and fast food. The parks main source of merchandise is here, as is the
largest fast food serving and seating area. Even so, at meal times it can be
overwhelmed. The park needs to address this by ensuring the other (only one
more) fast food facility is available when needed. There is also one table
service restaurant in the park, though soon to be supplemented by a new one.
More of this later. One thing the park does have is plenty of outdoor vending
carts. And plenty of places for coffee! This is Europe afterall.
Heading past the Tower, we find the Backlot Tram Tour. The
parks layout is compact, with expansion sprawl sideways instead of into the
park. For now. And so the tram station, and edge of the park in this area, is
only a hundered yards or so beyond the hub. The trams are like Orlando, with
onboard narration in several languages. This really isn't the best experience,
though first timers should ride once. You get movie props, a carbon copy
Catastrophe Canyon, a destroyed section of London, and a
few more movie props.
Hard to miss is Crushes' Coaster. Part Seas with Nemo and
part indoor spinning coaster, this was a much needed addition. Note there is no
fast pass, though a single riders line is currently being added. And needed it
is too, with lines regularly topping 90 minutes. Tip - get to the park half an
hour before the posted opening. Often it opens early, and head right for Crush.
Inside is a load area on the beach at sunset. A brief outside section leads to
the dark ride portion, similar to Epcot. The main lift is inside a submarine,
and a whoosh shoots you into the gravity building for a crazy, spinning ride
though the EAC. Darklight props and projection effects add to the experience.
Space Mountain in the dark. The spinning never seems to get too intense, and
although some turns are very steep there are no inversions.
Backtracking towards the park entrance we arrive at
Animagique. An indoor theatre stage show, part character show and park dark
light show set to music. Very clever, and entertaining for the whole family.
Shows run several times a day one after the other. Passing Studio 1 is
Cinemagique, another indoor theatre tracing the history of movies and
moviemaking. Part live action, part screen based, this is truly a great
attraction where the boundary between film and live action blurs. Not to be
missed, and again shows run consecutively.
Finally we come to Rock n Rollercoaster. This is
unofficially the sequel to the Florida version. The track layout, music and
ride is identical but other things are very different. Aerosmith made it to the
concert, this time the ride is in the venue. Instead of flying above Hollywood,
this ride takes guests though the mother of all lighting rigs. Hundereds of
multicoloured moving lights, strobes, stage lighting and smoke make the
experience seem faster and more intense than Orlando. A recent LED lighting and
smoke system upgrade for the whole ride only upped the experience. This was
also one of the first Disney attractions offering different rides. Five
different cars not only have different music, but the inride lighting is also
synced to each car offering a visually unique journey for each train. Or
There you have it. WDSP is not the most detailed or
immersive park Disney ever designed, and is the smallest, but it is coming of
age, and is worthy of a day or two of your time. After your three or four days
in Disneyland next door! Plus it will only get bigger.
Special thanks to our Guest Blogger- Martin Smith.
Disneyland Parc part 1
Disneyland Parc part 2
Usually there is Main Street entertainment, a band and
singers, a mini parade (the last one I
saw was
the 20th anniversary celebration train) and the main 3pm parade. Take note the main parade, much like Disneyland, runs from the north east to the south unlike Orlando. It circles the large hub and also Town Square affording maximum viewing. There are also two vast indoor theatres in Discoveryland and Adventureland, though the former has only hosted special events recently and the latter is seasonal.
saw was
the 20th anniversary celebration train) and the main 3pm parade. Take note the main parade, much like Disneyland, runs from the north east to the south unlike Orlando. It circles the large hub and also Town Square affording maximum viewing. There are also two vast indoor theatres in Discoveryland and Adventureland, though the former has only hosted special events recently and the latter is seasonal.
Fantillusion, a nighttime parade that took the best parts of
Spectromagic and the MSEP, has been dark the last year and looks likely to be
in 2014 too. As well as cost, in the summer months it can still be light at
9pm+ and with its elaborate show stops there was not enough time to move it
through the park before the main nighttime show.

se looking for a huge, full on fireworks show like Wishes won't get one. Dreams! is a full on multimedia experience with pyro and fireworks, fire, projections, lasers, smoke, music, lighting and fountains. Take the best parts of Wishes or Magical, World of Color and Fantasmic! and you get the idea. Add in a good vs evil storyline featuring Peter Pan and his shadow, Wendy and Captain Hook and both good and bad characters and you have an epic show. Peters shadow escapes and releases magic from the castle for a tour of Disney Movies old and new, until evil escapes too. The show really is stunning and very very popular. Best views are afforded from the hub with the ensuing crowds. Snagging a place on the rope line may be a little damp and may need an hours personal space reservation beforehand but is so worth it.
The Paris second gate. From a troubled start the park is now
worth a day or more in its own right.
This is partly still due to reduced hours, with the park rarely open beyond 6 or 7 PM even in high season. Hopefully as it expands more and this years E ticket pulls in more people the hours will extend too.
This is partly still due to reduced hours, with the park rarely open beyond 6 or 7 PM even in high season. Hopefully as it expands more and this years E ticket pulls in more people the hours will extend too.
Exiting Studio 1 into what can be described as the hub, the
Hollywood Tower Hotel looms large. This
pretty much acts as the parks castle, and with its additional buildings and facades added at the same time, including a miniature Sunset Blvd, it really added to the park. The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is the same as California's, though with a French narration. English can be requested. Infact, the WDSP version should have been built first but DCA needed it too! A very popular attraction and worthy of a Fastpass (remember those?)
pretty much acts as the parks castle, and with its additional buildings and facades added at the same time, including a miniature Sunset Blvd, it really added to the park. The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is the same as California's, though with a French narration. English can be requested. Infact, the WDSP version should have been built first but DCA needed it too! A very popular attraction and worthy of a Fastpass (remember those?)
few more movie props.
Adjacent to the tram station is the Animation Building. This
is part exhibit, part hands on showcasing the history of Disney animation.
Again, good for first timers. Beyond here is the parks only spinner, themed to
Aladdin, and three expanded areas that have pushed the parks boundaries and
real estate much further out.
Outside is a small flat ride area, which leads to another
expanded area, Toy Story. Aesthetics aren't exactly brilliant but on a whole
the area is well executed and added something for younger guests to enjoy.
Three simple attractions fill the roster here, a flat spinner on Steroids, a
pirate ship type ride within the arms (or the ship) and the Parachute Drop, an
up and down hoist ride that's far tamer than Tower of Terror but offers some
great views. All these attractions have limited capacity and so often develop
long lines.
The final expansion area opens this summer. Loving recreated
French streets and architecture lead to Rattatouie, a multi million dollar
indoor E Ticket. Think Winnie the Pooh in Tokyo, or Mystic Manor in Hong Kong,
and add 3D glasses. This trackless ride shrinks you to the size of a rat for a
chaotic journey based on the film. Adjacent is an attached large restaurant.
This area is sure to draw the crowds when it opens.
Moving further along is the original Walt Disney Television
Studio. The original walking tour has now been changed for Stitch Live, similar
to Turtle Talk with Crush. Walking further away the landscaping changes to hard
steel architecture and Tarmac roads. This is the "production area" of
the park. First up is the special effects show, Armageddon. Based on the film
of the same name, a preshow gives away the secrets of visual and practical
effects before guests experience them for real. Guests stand in a circular
Russian space station, as it gets pelted by meteors. Clever, real effects
including smoke, lighting, air and fire add to the experience. To create a hull
breach, WDI actually built a room within a room. The show room is vacuum sealed
at a higher air pressure than outside. When the hull is breached with a shower
of sparks, the smoke (and air) in the room rushes out of the hole since it is
under higher pressure. A very surreal experience. I won't give away the finale
suffice to say things get very hot, dark and not everything stays still. Maybe
one for the bigger kids only.
Next door is Moteurs Action, the original version of the
same vehicle stunt show cloned at DHS. Virtually identical live stunts but with
different pacing are good to see once. Like elsewhere in both parks, narration
is in English and French, cleverly scripted where one language asks a question
and the other answers it whilst both languages say the same information.
Special thanks to our Guest Blogger- Martin Smith.
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