Shipping a package to your Walt Disney World Resort prior to your arrival can save space and weight in your suitcase. You can save a lot of money on airline baggage fees too. I purchase things directly from websites like Amazon, Walmart, etc., and just ship them straight to the Resort. And, if you have Amazon Prime, the shipping is free! Amazon Prime Now is a fast and easy way to order a delivery once you arrive of food, toiletries, water bottles, wine, and beer. You could also pack a box and ship it from the Post Office about 5-6 days before you travel. I use a large Priority Flat Rate Box from the Post Office. Prices are subject to change so check your local Post Office for current pricing. Ideas of what to ship: Diapers and wipes Formula and non-glass jar baby food Snacks for the parks like granola bars, squeeze applesauce, candy that won't melt, fruit snacks, etc. Food for the room like breakfast bars, trail mix, peanuts, and your favorite coffee creamer Extra