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Showing posts from July, 2016

Alaska Blog Series - Why Cruise Alaska?

The beauty that is Alaska is breathtaking and no amount of words can describe it accurately.   It is something you need to experience and see in person. When they say it is the last frontier, that statement couldn’t be truer. I’ve sailed to Alaska three times over many years and I still want to go back again. There is always something else that I want to see or do that I didn’t get to on my last trip. On two of those sailings, I went in the beginning of June and both were different in what we saw and experienced. On one, the warmer weather had just moved in, so waterfalls were abundant in every port of call.  You may wonder if bringing children on this cruise is worthwhile. I can say without a shadow of a doubt it is.There are many educational opportunities that children won’t even realize because they’re having such fun and enjoying the majesty of the mountains, sites and wildlife. It’s an education not sitting behind a desk in a room, but outside ...

Meme Monday

Meme Monday

Disney Cruise Line Mixology 101

Recently I had the pleasure of doing a Disney cruise aboard the Dream with some of our clients and their families, as well as some of my agents. We host a yearly Family Cruise and one of the things that we did was a Mixology class. If you are going on one of Disney’s cruises, especially if you have a nice group with you, it can be a lot of fun! Let me explain what it is for those of you that haven’t had the pleasure of doing one.  Mixology is for adults 21 and over. You have a maximum of 30 people in each class which is given at one of the lounges onboard.  In 2015, you had a minimum of 15 in a class, but they have since upped that to a maximum of 30 per class with a 25 person minimum. The cost? $20 per person which gets charged to your stateroom. We were set up in the Skyline Lounge which is located on Deck 4, aft, in the District area of the ship. If you are not familiar with it, the lounge has an upscale look about it with wood paneled walls and ceilings showing of...

Meme Monday