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Showing posts from December, 2016

Meme Monday

Merry Christmas!

Make the BEST of the Crowds Being at Their WORST

Happy Holidays, Disney Fans!!!!            So by this point in December, I am sure you are so full of holiday cheer, you could BUST! And maybe, if you've been really good this year, Santa will be bringing you a little MagicBand, putting you at the top of all of the best FastPass lists, and getting you hooked up with ALL of the best Disney dining reservations. (And if not, no worries... the crew here at Kingdom Konsultant Travel has got you covered!)       Here, in Orlando, my fam is psyched to get to enjoy all of the holiday fun that the parks have to offer... BUT... we know what comes with it. The price that we pay for getting to celebrate at Disney.... CROWDS. We are officially in one of the busiest weeks of the calendar year for the Disney parks and I thought it may be helpful to cover what some of my favorite things to do are when the crowds are big. So whether you are an Annual Passholder, looking for a break from the out-o...

Meme Monday

Meme Monday

5 Ways to Have Holiday Fun OUTSIDE of the Parks!

Happy December, Disney Fans!!!      Has everyone recovered from your turkey coma? I hope so! No disrespect to Thanksgiving, but my favorite part about the day is that, in our household, it officially marks the beginning of the holiday season! (The Hubs insists on no Christmas movies or music until Thanksgiving night. Bah-humbug!)      What's not to adore about the smell of baking cookies and a fresh cut balsam fir? Or the sounds of sleigh bells and Christmas carols? The blinking lights on the tree and the favorite ornaments from years past? (Or, in our case, being that we live in Central Florida, the temps in the balmy 70's and our palm trees covered in twinkling lights.) I love it all! We didn't shop on Black Friday... we put up our decorations, lights and tree! (And had our traditional Round Two of Thanksgiving left-overs.) Of course, we have an all-Disney tree, filled with ornaments that we have collected from various park visits and cruises. It's a...

Meme Monday

Holiday Shopping at Disney For Your Disney Scrooge

Hey there, Disney Fans!!!      Have YOU started your holiday shopping yet??? Don't worry... I haven't either! Just here with some helpful tips and ideas for shopping if you're going to be on Disney Property in the upcoming month.       Now, if you're anything like me, you're pretty thrilled with  any  gift that you receive that has Mouse ears or any Disney reference on it. But, believe it or not, there are some people who don't  love  all things Disney and who wouldn't exactly be delighted with Disney trash can salt and pepper shakers. (I know... I know... who  are  these aliens, right?) Well, that's not a problem if you're doing your holiday gift shopping at Disney, or even if you're just looking for gifts to bring back home for friends and family. There are tons of great gift options in the parks that don't require the recipient to be an Annual Pass-carrying, Mouse-crazed, friend-of-Figmet, Disney Fanatic. Read ...