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Showing posts from January, 2017

Meme Monday

Review: More of Epcot's International Festival of the Arts

Happy Thursday, Disney Guys and Gals!      You've almost made it to another weekend! Woo-hoo! And another weekend means another chance to hit up Epcot's newest festival, the International Festival of the Arts!  I have already posted a detailed review of my first visit to the festival, on opening week. You can check that out by clicking  HERE . This past Monday, I got to go back and try some of the food items that we missed the first time around.      This time, just The Hubs and I escaped for a couple of hours, while the kids were at school. (I know, we are super spoiled to have the luxury of doing this.) Since we had experienced horrible storms and even tornado warnings the night before, it was still pretty cool and windy out, so the park wasn't overwhelmingly busy. I mean, for a Monday it was hopping , but not nearly as bad as it had been on opening day. First we headed toward the Festival Showplace, in the Odyssey building, since ...

Meme Monday

Review: Epcot's International Festival of the Arts

Our passport for the day Well hello there, Disney Fans!      As you probably know, the brand new, Epcot International Festival of the Arts officially kicked off Friday. This event is a weekend-only event, running Friday through Monday, until February 20th . I was lucky enough to be there to check it all out! Me and about a zillion of my closest friends. It was packed , right from the time the gate opened. Epcot's festivals have grown to have a cult following, especially now that Disney has added food booths into all of the events. Think of this particular festival as Flower and Garden Festival meets the old Festival of the Masters from the old Downtown Disney, with some Food and Wine Festival mixed in. In fact, Disney may have found the PERFECT recipe to make Festival of the Arts the new fan favorite. Take a gorgeous park, add in a rainbow of gorgeous art and displays, stir in some fantastic Broadway performers in concert, and then take the food and drink booths and...