While there may be an exhaustive list that details every keto-friendly option available on property, here are my overall five tips for “eating keto” or following a similarly low-carb diet at Disney World: Substitute carbs for veggies Most menu items, whether quick- or table-service, come with a starchy side-item like French fries, chips or potatoes. In our experience, requesting to change that item to a vegetable was almost always accommodated. Some of the substitutions were broccolini, coleslaw, asparagus, and side salad. Get veggies as a side item instead of carbs Make special requests (if they aren’t too complicated) The number-one request my husband made was simply “no bun.” The table- and quick-service restaurants were happy to accommodate this request, and often the food looked even better without the bun – like at Hurricane Hanna’s when my husband skipped the bun and added bacon to the grilled chicken sandwich! Even the Epcot Internation...
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