When the Disney Magic heads to Europe for some Mediterranean fun, it typically ports in the city of Barcelona, Spain. A lot of people choose to add a few days pre or post cruise in this lovely city to help fight jet lag and get a little extra touring time. I chose to add my days pre-cruise so when I landed at the airport I was able to hit the ground running to see as much of the city as possible. Barcelona is a city full of rich history, culture and gorgeous architecture. So where can you even begin? Here are a few of my favorite things from my trip. 1. Tapas! Spanish cuisine is known for sangria (alcoholic punch), paella (traditional rice dish), and tapas! If you have time, I suggest seeking out all three, but if there's only time for one meal, I do suggest tapas. Why? Tapas are small plates with a variety of appetizers or snacks- so you can try a lot and really get a feel for Spanish Cusine. Tapas restaurants often serve sangria and...
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