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Showing posts with the label Guest Blogger

Breakfast at Tusker House

With the crew in my family, dining at Disney World is not just any old eating experience - It's an event!  We take it seriously.   It's not just about the food.  It's about the atmosphere. It's about the interactions with cast members.  It's about memories being made. Like Cinderella (but in a good way!), we anxiously watch the clock waiting for it to strike midnight at the 180 day mark so we can begin making our Advanced Dining Reservations or ADR's.  We scour the menus, argue back and forth, and finally narrow down our choices.  Disney World has so much to offer.  The variety of dining options can be challenging when it comes to deciding where you want to use those Dining Plan credits or spend those hard earned dollars. Everyone in my family has their own individual favorite but one is always, always, always a must: No Disney World vacation is complete without breakfast at Tusker House at Disney's Animal Kingdom. Tusker House is a charac...

Guest Review: Star Wars Day at Sea with Disney Cruise Line

Kingdom Konsultant client London had an unforgettable Disney Cruise Line experience that she was excited to share with our readers. The Disney Fantasy's Star Wars Day at Sea happened on 8 different sailings, with a one-day ship takeover by all things Star Wars , including characters, games, movies and music! Read her review of this "out of this galaxy" experience: Wookie hug! Star Wars Day at Sea aboard the Disney Fantasy cruise ship was truly one of the best vacations I have ever experienced. For a single day during our seven day vacation, it was a treat to experience Star Wars on the ship. Galaxy-in-a-glass cocktail! There were many Star Wars activities such as: · Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple  - learn the ways of the Force as young Padawans battle Lord Vader on stage! · Padawan Mind Challenge  - young kids and their families can test their Star Wars knowledge in a trivia show. · Galactic Dance Party  - kids can danc...

Nine Dragons Review

Located in Epcot's Chinese Pavilion, Nine Dragons is definitely one of those Disney World restaurants that seems to fall off of the radar. Now, I'll admit, I must have passed Nine Dragon's a hundred times, and never thought to dine here. I am betting most of you are thinking the way I did; "I can get Chinese food at home", or have made ADRs (Advanced Dining Reservations for you first time visitors) only to cancel and dine elsewhere. A lot of past reviews are mixed regarding this restaurant, which I think contributed to me not dining here in the past, but I had to give Nine Dragons a fair chance. I can tell you, I'm glad we did! And....... did you know NO MSG is used in any dishes at Nine Dragon's? Neither did I! Being a fan, that was great news to me! Nine Dragons underwent a recent facelift or refurb in Disney-speak in 2009. It really is a pretty restaurant. The reception area does tend to get a bit crowded, but we were seated within fifteen minu...

Dining with Deb Disney Style

The owner of her own catering business for years, the self taught cook has catered for everything from the local Elks Lodges and High Schools to the Atlantic County Officials.  Her private themed parties of up to 150 guests were well known as well as cooking for many celebrities.  She has had the pleasure of knowing and meeting many wonderful chefs and cooks (and learned a few techniques from!) such as Chef Robert Irvine, Melissa D'Arabian, Sunny Anderson, Paula Deen, Pat and Gina Neely and Guy Fieri.  Deb has also been a field editor for Taste of Home Magazine for the last 8 years and she does as much cooking for her community as she can to help out.  Deb also helps manage many Facebook pages that have to do with the various Disney lounges including the most recent, Friends of Disney Dining and Libations. We are pleased to announce that she will be contributing to our blog exclusively as a featured weekly blogger starting on February 1, 2015

First Aid First Timer

I’m not usually clumsy – heck, I’m a competitive ballroom dancer – but during a trip to Walt Disney World, I found myself in need of first aid due to an act of gracelessness. While boarding a Test Track vehicle, my toes caught the edge of the vehicle on the way in and I fell into the passenger area with an unceremonious ‘thud.’ My shin hit the grab bar between two seats, causing me to see stars. Someone was trying to climb in beside me, so I righted myself and tried to act like nothing had happened.  At first, I walked it off, but within 20 minutes I had a baseball-sized hematoma on my right shin. The rapid swelling caused intense throbbing and pain, so after consulting my park map, I headed to First Aid. When I arrived I was asked to sign in and after a short wait, someone came out to examine my injury. After explaining what had happened, I was given a slushy pack (ice pack with water) and a net tube to slide over my foot to hold the pack in place. I was told to replac...

Disneyland Paris- Disneyland Parc Part Three and the Walt Disney Studios

To check out the rest of the Disneyland Paris Series, check out these posts: Resorts Disneyland Parc part 1 Disneyland Parc part 2 Disneyland Parc, like the US parks, offers a wealth of entertainment. This varies somewhat year to year but you can count on a parade and fireworks. Usually there is Main Street entertainment, a band and singers, a mini parade (the last one I saw was the 20th anniversary celebration train) and the main 3pm parade. Take note the main parade, much like Disneyland, runs from the north east to the south unlike Orlando. It circles the large hub and also Town Square affording maximum viewing. There are also two vast indoor theatres in Discoveryland and Adventureland, though the former has only hosted special events recently and the latter is seasonal.  Fantillusion, a nighttime parade that took the best parts of Spectromagic and the MSEP, has been dark the last year and looks likely to be in 2014 too. As well as cost, in the summer...