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Showing posts with the label Hollywood Brown Derby

Hollywood Brown Derby

The Hollywood Brown Derby is Disney's Hollywood Studio's Signature Dining establishment serving lunch and dinner, known for dishes such as the famous Cobb Salad and the Grapefruit Cake.  You'll be transported back to the golden age of Hollywood when you walk inside and see the walls lined with caricatures of celebrities and rich dark wood tones.   The menu here was updated as part of the 50th anniversary celebrations so we were excited to give it a try!  The meal started with some lovely rolls and butter with fancy sea salt which was delightful.  I also started the meal with what I believe was an old fashioned but can't find the cocktail list now so can't get the exact description for you, I apologize.  It was great though.   We started off our meal with some appetizers as per usual, because I just tend to really love appetizers.  However, none of them were really jumping out at us but then our server said the magic words "pork belly" when we...