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Showing posts with the label La Cava del Tequila

La Cava del Tequila

TEQUILA! Anyone else have that song go through your head when you go to La Cava del Tequila or just me? Oh La Cava, how I love your Margaritas! If you haven't been and you love a good Margarita, make this a part of your next trip to EPCOT. It's located inside the Mexico Pavilion to the right when you enter the marketplace.  When you first enter La Cava, it definitely has that party vibe going! It has the feel of stepping into a little hole in the wall or a Cave as the name depicts, with over 200 different brands of Tequila, let the party begin! With it's warm décor and original artifacts celebrating the Mexican heritage, they truly make you feel right at home. It is small, with seating for up to 30.  And the way that it is situated, you don't see what is going on out in the Marketplace. It's an easy way to lose track of time, which doesn't bother me one bit!  I usually go in with a few friends and we will grab a table and order some appetizers.  Guacamole and/o...