To check out the rest of the Disneyland Paris Series, check out these posts: Resorts Disneyland Parc part 1 Disneyland Parc part 2 Disneyland Parc, like the US parks, offers a wealth of entertainment. This varies somewhat year to year but you can count on a parade and fireworks. Usually there is Main Street entertainment, a band and singers, a mini parade (the last one I saw was the 20th anniversary celebration train) and the main 3pm parade. Take note the main parade, much like Disneyland, runs from the north east to the south unlike Orlando. It circles the large hub and also Town Square affording maximum viewing. There are also two vast indoor theatres in Discoveryland and Adventureland, though the former has only hosted special events recently and the latter is seasonal. Fantillusion, a nighttime parade that took the best parts of Spectromagic and the MSEP, has been dark the last year and looks likely to be in 2014 too. As well as cost, in the summer...
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