Abracadabra! Hocus Pocus! Shazam! These are special words we all know which are bound to elicit some magic. But to a young Princess visiting Walt Disney World, perhaps the most magical words of all are “Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique”. This enchanting place transforms already beautiful little princesses into stunningly beautiful little princesses. It also turns parents into mush. Magic! The Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique first opened in Downtown Disney in 2006, inside the World of Disney Store. In 2007, a second location opened up in none other than Cinderella’s Castle in the Magic Kingdom. Since then tons of pixie dust have been sprinkled on the hair of little girls (I’m pretty sure they are in cahoots with Tinker Bell). As with dining reservations, your reservation can be made at the Boutique up to 180 days in advance. The Castle location is without a doubt the more desirable of the two (location, location, location), and b...
"You Dream It, We Book It!"