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Our Email Server is Down

Due to Hurricane Sandy, the email server for Kingdom Konsultant Travel is down.   At this time, if you need to contact your agent and cannot reach them on their direct line, please call the main number at 866-566-7858.   Please keep in mind that some agents still do not have power.  

Picture of the Day

Tower of Terror at Disneyland!  Do you prefer Disneyland's version over Disney World's?

World Showcase Spotlight: Norway

World Showcase at Walt Disney World's Epcot is one of my favorite places in the entire world.  Last month I started working on a new series for the Kingdom Konsultant Travel Blog in which we'll spotlight one country every month from World Showcase.  Grab your viking hats because today we're taking a voyage to visit the Norway Pavilion! The Stave Church One of my favorite things in the Norway pavilion is the stunning architecture.  The Stave Church especially.  What many guests don't realize is you can go inside of the church where there is an exhibit called, "Vikings: Conquerors of the Seas."  In here you will find artifacts, weapons and a look at people who played an important role in Norway's history.  If you're looking for something a bit more immersive, check out Maelstrom.  Here guests can board a Viking ship and sail the high seas through the fjords of Norway.  Along the journey, you'll have encounters with creatures o...

Picture of the Day

  Ghirardelli has got to be one of my favorite places to get a snack or dessert at Disney.  What's yours?

Picture of the Day

  Does anybody else wish they were sitting on one of those chairs?

Picture of the Day

  Did you know there are beach volleyball courts at the Beach Club?  Have you ever used them?

Tips for the Solo Traveler

Many people think I am crazy when I tell them I've visited Walt Disney World solo before.  I'm often asked, "Isn't it scary? Don't you get lonely?" Truth be told, no and no.  My first solo visit was in 2005 and my most recent solo visit was just a few months ago.  Both solo trips and visits to Walt Disney World with family and friends have brought me great memories and fun times.  Here I'd like to share a few tips and some advice for those who may be thinking  of or planning a solo visit! 1. - Don't be afraid to try new things!  There may be an attraction you've always wanted to see or a resort where you've always wanted to stay.  Maybe you've always wanted to book your next trip staying at Wilderness Lodge or Coronado Springs, but your travel party didn't want to.  Have you always wanted to try sushi at Tokyo Dining, but your kids would rather eat at Chef Mickey's? This is the time to do all of the t...