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Festival of the Arts: Is It Worth a Trip?

Hey there, Disney Fans!      Hope everyone had an awesome Turkey Day and is already neck-deep in holiday cheer and excitement! I know we are in MY house. Our Disney themed Christmas tree is up and we've started one of the most beautiful times of the year. I was lucky enough to visit the 2017 Epcot International Festival of the Arts when it kicked off this past January and that was pretty gorgeous too!      This popular festival will be returning to Epcot from January 12th - February 19th 2018 and Disney fans are already abuzz about all of the cool offerings and events the second year will bring. A couple of posts back, I talked about the food booths, shared their menus and showed some pictures from 2017 (If you didn't get to check out that post, you can find it  HERE .) But you may be wondering, aside from the delectable food, what else is there for me to do? Should I bother attending? Well, I'm happy to share that the festival includes so m...

A Guide to Holiday Shopping at Disney (For Non-Disney Gifts!)

Hey there, Disney Fans!!!      Have YOU started your holiday shopping yet??? Don't worry... I haven't either! Just here with some helpful tips and ideas for those of you who will be lucky enough to be on Disney property before the holidays and want to get something special for your friends and family.       Now, if you're anything like me, you're pretty thrilled with  any  gift that you receive that has Mouse ears or any Disney reference on it. But, believe it or not, there are some people who don't  love  all things Disney and who wouldn't exactly be delighted with Disney trash can salt and pepper shakers. (I know... I know... who  are  these aliens, right?) Well, that's not a problem if you're doing your holiday gift shopping at Disney, or even if you're just looking for gifts to bring back home for friends and family. There are tons of great gift options in the parks that don't require the recipient to be an A...